"Flame Retardant Cloths" Contains 2 cloths (one 18" x 18" and one 18" x 36"). The larger cloth can be used to cover the pillow and the other to drape the shoulder, neck and hair during ear candling. These cloths are flame "retardant" not fire resistant. Regular Price $10.99 Each |
1 Oz. Bottle $13.99 Each |
Case of 12 1 Oz Bottles $121.00 |
"Plate Guards" A shield used during ear candling to protect from debris and flame. Package of 3 $3.99 |
"Ear Wax Remover- Ear Wiz" a spring flex wax removal loop to prevent injury to the canal wall. For adults only. Includes directions. $6.99 Each |
"Folding Scissors" Used for cutting the ear candle or for cutting a hole in the paper plate guard. Regular Price $6.99 Each |
Lynn's Corner LLC 623-210-5933 Lynn@ear-candles.net |
"Small Candle Snuffer" Used to snuff out the candle candling session. Available in silver only. $3.99 Each |
itching and irritation in the ears. Just use a few drops on a piece of cotton and place in the ear before ear candling to help get things moving. Contains the Essential Oils of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil, Lavender, Garlic & Mullein in a sweet almond oil base. |
"Otoscope w/LED Light" Includes 2 AAA batteries (required) $15.99 Each |
This silver candle snuffer extinguishes your ear candle easily & safely. Dimension: 7" x 3" x 1". $9.99 Each |
$12.99 Each |